Analysis and Reporting
“What is measured gets done” this quote is a truism because it’s how people work. Measurements help us identify areas we should focus on or improve. Measurements let us know when we’ve succeeded, or if further action is required.
The AutoPower System’s reporting and analysis tools are designed to help you measure all the key areas of your business. With decades of industry experience and direct input from many of our customers, we know what affects your operations. Our analysis tools and reports point to improvement areas that will help you be more competitive, more efficient, grow your business and make better decisions to foster Profit by Intention.
Every person, department, and function in your business operation has unique analysis and reporting requirements. We emphasize Inventory and Warehouse Management because of their high bottom-line impact, but we also understand that the AutoPower System is an integral part of everything you’re doing! Sales, telemarketing, quoting, pricing, packing, shipping, warehouse put-away, picking, cores and warranties, credit screening, order processing, e-commerce, data gathering and manipulation, purchasing control, lead time capturing, exception reporting, expediting, receiving, warehousing, barcoding, kitting, assemblies, repairs, delivery, returns, billing, sales commissions, rebates, cycle counting, physical inventory, dead stock identification, credit card processing, accounting … finish the list….everything the AutoPower System provides has data that can be analyzed. Data that can be measured so you know the right things are being done to power your business growth and profitability.